Top tips for multi cat households #5

📣My final Top Tip for multicat households is a sad one and potentially controversial📣

🫶🫶We need to be open to rehoming, if it’s in the interest of one or both cats.🫶🫶

I realise this isn’t a tip to helps cats get along. And it absolutely does not apply to most multi cat households where there is tension. But it does to some. And I feel it’s an important area to discuss. I know rescues are full, and I know it’s never an easy decision and never one I would take lightly. 😿😿😿

🫶However, some cats are trapped and miserable. 😿 And that makes me so sad. 😔 Some can’t fully rest or relax unless they are tucked as far under the bed as they can get. Some are so worried about drawing attention to themselves, they pee under the bed or in a quiet corner instead of making their way to a tray. They are permanently on edge and can’t engage in normal feline behaviours for fear of being attacked, stalked or watched.

🫶And for cats that are permanently on the attack (not being playful) - it’s never because they’re mean kits, they’re anxious too. They can’t rest or relax easily - they always feel their territory needs defending. They are hyper vigilant and they also can’t engage in normal feline behaviours as they just don’t feel comfortable sharing their territory. They might be urine marking and attacking on sight - this is not what any cat wants day in, day out. 😿😿😿

Rehoming is not something I take lightly, or recommend without exhausting all options and considering the risks to all involved. Some owners find the thought of rehoming unthinkable and absolutely will not go down that route. I feel exactly the same with my two (and doggy to boot!). ❤️❤️❤️

But, we need to be objective where we can. And look at life from the cats’ point of view. If it comes to rehoming, you haven’t failed them — ok — you have not failed them 🫶 You are putting their needs first and making the heartbreaking decision to find them a better living situation that works for them.

And that is a HARD but AMAZING thing to do.

Be honest with the rescue, they will help find a suitable home. And if we are working together, I will be there to help support your cat in their new home if needed.

Sorry for the heavy post! I hope all of your cats are happy! ❤️❤️ But if not, I’ve got you! ❤️❤️

#sadpostalert #catbehaviour #multicathousehold